And yet, simple as it is, I've spent my life answering the question, "Is that with a C or a K?" When I thought about it, I realized there are a number of supposedly simple names like that. I imagine people named Ann, Lynn, and maybe even Carol have always had to tell people whether or not there's an E on the end. Sara and Sarah of course have to tell you if you should add on that H.
Men aren't immune either. Is it Jon or John? And if you have a certain variant of John/Jon is it Sean or Shawn?
Kathy-with-a-K is what automatically comes out of my mouth as one word whenever I give my name to someone who is going to write it down. I'm sure Cathy-with-a-C, wherever she is, always has to do the same thing.
People often give their children unusual names or give unusual spellings to common names yet those us with a simple or common name still have to end up telling people how to spell it.
Name your child whatever name you like. Chances are he or she is going to have to always spell it for others anyway.
Oh, and in answer to that other question: "Are you a Katherine or a Kathleen?"
I never used to have to spell my name out, until recently that is... now I have people wanting to add H's or remove the E which baffled me until I realised that is now the trend as you say, to give unusual spellings to common names these days!
@LunaNoctis from There She Goes
My name is pretty common and only a few times have I've been asked to spell my first name (some people spell it with an H on the end). And even though I think my last name is simple, people always spell it wrong. Girl Who Reads
Donna, my maiden name was very simple too but it also sounds like a first name. People always asked me for my last name and I'd have to tell them that IS my last name.
While I love the name Siobhán, I decided ultimate not name my daughter it because I thought she'd spend the rest of her life telling people how to spell it. It's such a pretty name though!
Weekends In Maine
I've always had to spell out my name for obvious reasons :) Great take on the K-post! I'm dealing with mine too on the N-day.
Best of luck for the rest of the challenge
Ninja Minion
Great post. I also have a common name, but one with an uncommon spelling, at least around here. so I'm always spelling it out, too. https://mhsusannematthews.wordpress.com/
My name used to be common and I never had to spell it out. But now that it's very much out of fashion and spelling names in unusual ways is very much in fashion, I'm constantly being asked to spell my name. They think it might be Jenifer or Gennifer or Genifer who knows what else.
One of my best friends is named Kate. It was years before I found out that her given name was Catherine. Thanks for sharing. I've been surprised at how many people misspell Susan.
So true! No one asks if it's Courtney with a K, but often people spell it without an "o" and I used to get mail addressed to Mr. Courtney T.... Maui Jungalow
I'm Shawne (with an e)
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