Still catching up on the Blogging from A to Z posts.
B was going to be for Butterflies but if anyone went digging through this blog they would find I already did a butterfly post years ago. It feels like cheating. Since I'm already behind, words will be limited to labels and descriptions. I hope you enjoy the photos of birds who have visited our backyard over the years.
Robins and Red-Winged Blackbirds. We see Robins twice a year, on their way to and from their winter home. Sadly, we haven't seen Red-Winged Blackbirds in years.
Our Bluejays were gone for a long time too, and only recently returned.
Young Mockingbirds (our state bird) in the Beautyberry Bush outside the kitchen window.
We can always count on Cardinals. They bring their young and show them all the best bird feeders and berry bushes.

Okay, not a backyard bird, but I had to include this one anyway. This is a beautiful, Threatened, Florida Scrub Jay.
The star of the post for the letter C. She is an indoor only cat, so the wildlife is safe. That doesn't stop her from staring longingly at our feathered friends.
We have a really Bright red cardinal in our back yard. Haven't seen the Jays back yet but our hawk is circling around. I love being outside and listening to all the bird noise.
Susan Says
Beautiful pictures!
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