Monday, April 11, 2016

I is for - I haven't a clue, I have no good ideas, I don't know what to post

Well, it looks like I hit my first wall in the 2016 A to Z Blogging Challenge. I've been racking* my brain since I decided to join the challenge, trying to think of topics for the difficult letters. Oh sure, there are plenty of great words that begin with I, but I don't have enough to say about any of them. Internet? Old news. Identity, Inner self, Inspiration, Introspection? I have absolutely no spiritual or philosophical bones in my body. Icebergs? Ice cream? My Irish and Italian heritage? That heritage by the way seems to have been lost on the next generation - the generation to which my son and my niece belong. I suppose that means our family has fully melted into the melting pot.

Nothing that starts with I interests me today.Which leaves me with no ideas. I don't know. I can't think of anything. I, I, I...I guess this post is all about me then. Or more accurately, it's all about I.

I expect to have pulled myself out of this when I get to other difficult (for me) letters. This A to Z Challenge is stretching me in good ways, but I'm giving myself the day off today with my I'm-stumped post.

*Yes, it's rack, not wrack.


Robin M said...

Totally works for me or should I say I. LOL! All subjects worthy of introspection.

Unknown said...

This is great. The challenge is to come up with a post and you did just that. Great post.
Blog: Romance, Passion, & Thrills | ❤ Twitter: @sashaknight

Unknown said...

Insightfully inspiring indeed... ;-)
AJ at Ouch My Back Hurts

Mildred R Holmes said...

Glad it wasn't just me.

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