Wednesday, April 06, 2016

E is for Exercise

Exercise. Something many Americans, including yours truly, don't get enough of on a regular basis. It's also among the most commonly made and the most commonly broken New Year's Resolutions.

I'm not a New Year's Resolutions kind of person. I make resolutions throughout the year when I feel I need to. A few days ago I made a resolution to start blogging again, and to help keep me accountable I signed up to participate in the 2016 Blogging A to Z Challenge.

Now that I plan to make an exercise resolution I need a way to be accountable for that as well. What better way than to use my restarted blogging to keep me honest? I'm announcing publicly that I plan to start this week, easing back into an exercise routine. With my back issues there are certain moves I cannot and should not do, so I'll start simple with exercises my doctor has cleared me for. I resolve to -

1. Do my physical therapy home exercises (for my back) every other day as prescribed.
2. Do stretching exercises each morning and evening.
3. Do a yoga DVD twice a week.

Not much, is it? That's good. Being too ambitious is often my downfall. If I start slowly I can add more. The biggest thing is to create a new habit.

I'll come back to this in two weeks and see how I've done. Off to do my exercises now...


Erica @ ChildOrganics said...

You can do it!! I always dread it, then feel amazing afterwards.

Floridamom said...

Exactly! After I exercise I feel so much better. I just need to remember that feeling each time I try to procrastinate.

Robin M said...

There you are! Yes, work your way up slowly. My hubby started doing 10k steps a day and is now up to 35K. I can manage about 2 miles. I used to do yoga and really should get back into it. Feels really good. We'll keep you accountable with your exercises. :)

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