I don't care much for the fantasy genre either in books or movies or tv shows, so when the first Harry Potter book came out it wasn't even on my radar. I didn't even know it existed it until a few years later when the movies started. Even then I wasn't interested, and since my son was still very young my disinterest didn't matter.
When Dennis was nine, his older brother and then-girlfriend (now our wonderful daughter-in-law) gave him the first book for Christmas. My husband was still reading aloud to Dennis every night and just because I wasn't interested that didn't mean they shouldn't enjoy the books. They were hooked from the first page.
Two years later they were still working their way through the books and loving them (okay, they didn't read
every night). They even convinced me to watch some of the movies, and I reluctantly admitted I liked them. That year, I broke my ankle and was not allowed to put weight on the repaired ankle for six weeks. When I started to run out of reading material, I picked up the first book. Then I picked up the second one. And I was just as hooked as they were. We became a family of Harry Potter fans and even began listening to the audio book versions as we were spending a lot of time driving to and from activities in those days.
Our family fandom extends outward too - My stepson and his wife are big fans and we look forward to the day when we can start our grandsons on the books.
Thank you, JK Rowling.
Thank you JK, for the closeness my son and husband had while reading/being read all seven books over a period of two years.
Thank you JK, for holding the movie makers to a certain standard. Of course there were things that could have been done better, but without you there would have been even more of those.
Thank you JK, for letting Jim Dale read the U.S. versions of the audio books. We have listened at least 10 times over the years, and often come up with a new question or notice something we didn't in the past.
Thank you JK, for allowing Universal Studios Harry Potter World. We live less than an hour away, and often buy season passes to Universal just so we can go to Hogwarts (and now Diagon Alley).
Thank you JK, for all the Harry Potter parties we had with fellow fans, and even the Christmas at Hogwarts float our homeschool group entered in the Christmas parade one year.
Thank you JK, for Halloween Costumes and even plain old dress-up play.
The morning of Dennis' 17 birthday, after our usual good morning greetings, the following exchange took place:
Me: Happy Birthday!
Dennis: Thanks. I can use magic now.
Me: Huh?
Dennis: I'm 17. I can use magic outside of school now.
Thank you JK Rowling, for giving him the magical childhood and children's story he'll never outgrow.