Challenge #1
For the first challenge, we were simply to get outside for 10-15 minutes and spend time observing. Back inside, we talk about what we saw and decide on two things to investigate further. Our first day was a bit different. Observing nature isn't new to us. Formal nature study is. We went out, looked around, and commented on what we were seeing. I always find it interesting how ds and I notice different things. He keyed in on animal life, while I noticed plant life. We both however, noticed the Zebra Longwing butterfly, the dragonfly, and our resident Gopher Tortoise who he named Tortera (yes, he's a Pokemon fan).
We collected a few leaves for leaf rubbings -- from our Florida Red Maple, and one of our orange trees. We also picked a few Beach Sunflowers for pressing.
We did the second challenge during Tropical Storm Fay. Though we're in an area where there was much flooding, we're thankful that all we got was a lot of wind and a decent amount of rain. There were questions to answer for Challenge 2, Using Your Words:
Use one word to describe something you heard -- toads
Use two words to describe something you saw -- toad eggs
Use three words to describe something you felt -- hot, strong wind
Not bad. I think we'll keep working on descriptions by returning to this challenge every now and then.
I love the way our children see things differently than we do when we are outside. I am a lot like you, I notice mostly plants and birds. The boys notice things like holes in the ground and insects. I am learning to be more open minded about the insects. :)
I would love to see your tortoise if you ever can get a photo of him. That is something we absolutely don't have here in our part of the world. There are a few smallish water turtles but no tortoises.
Thanks for the great entry, I am so glad you joined the Outdoor Hour Challenges.
Barb-Harmony Art Mom
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