It might seem odd that we jumped from Challenge # 3 to #34, but we'll be doing a lot of that. When it fits for us to join the current challenge, we will. Other times, we'll do whatever previous challenge works with our climate and our current interests. We had already decided to do Challenge #11, Year Long Tree Study, though I haven't blogged about it. Dennis chose our Florida Red Maple as his tree. So, when Barb announced that she would be leading a tree study, it fit right in where we are.
We planted the tree in either 2002 0r 2003. I sure wish I had written it down, but I do have pictures somewhere. Some time during this study I'll find them. The tree was around 4 -5 feet when we planted it.
Acer rubrum
Our Red Maple is sometimes called a Florida Red Maple. I'm not sure what the difference is, and that will be one of the things we'll try to find out. Some years the leaves turn color and fall off. Some years they just fall off. Some years they don't fall off. Last year we had a mild winter (in Florida terms), and the tree stayed green all year. While most people doing the challenge are probably enjoying the colors, we're wondering if this year will produce colors and leaf drop. As for flowering, that usually happens in December or January.